Like her client, Leslie likes to have it both ways
Late last month, as press reports overflowed about Lindsay Lohanapos;s lesbo relations with DJ Samantha Ronson, her rep Leslie Sloane Zelnik at BWR spent an afternoon assuring the entertainment media that, no, the two were not dating. This, despite Lohanapos;s call into the radio show Loveline, where she all but acknowledged the relationship to host Ted Stryker. Specifically, Zelnik argued "there was no confession," and that when her client answered Strykerapos;s question how long she and Sam had "been going out" with the reply "Like two years, one year, five months, two months," Lohan was just talking about their "close friendship."
Funny, because now Ms. Zelnik finds herself rebutting reports that the two split up. Wait: The twosome arenapos;t dating, but they havenapos;t split up either?
The Daily Mail ran an "exclusive" story on Monday headlined "Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson on the rocks after string of arguments." (In this weekapos;s OK, the tabloid ran a few pages claiming the couple was arguing over money; Lohan loves to shop, while Ronson, also flush with cash, is more frugal.) That, you would assume correctly, is bad press. Which means Zelnik is forced into action to make sure everyone knows everything is A-OK in the relationship that she wonapos;t even acknowledge is going on.
Zelnik told Access Hollywood: "They are fine." Yes, the relationship that we dare not speak of hellip; is not in trouble.
Ms. Ronson put it more succinctly. When a paparazzo asked whether everything between she and Lohan was okay, Ronson responded: ""Are you fucking kidding me?"
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