пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


Today started off on a pretty bad note. I got a message from Nicole asking me if Iapos;m going to the tennis meeting at 12. Meeting? WHAT�MEETING?

I canapos;t believe I wasnapos;t informed about this

Call me petty, call me immature, but since I wasnapos;t informed ( or since Iapos;m not part of the team ) , I donapos;t see any reason why I should go. And I just couldnapos;t bring myself to cook up some lame excuse for not going when Iapos;m already boiling inside. So yea, you people can just do your own little team thing and leave me out of this, since Iapos;m not wanted. F***ing doucebags.

Come to thing of it, could it be a sign from heaven to tell me to just quit it? I mean, so many things are pointing me away from it. First, itapos;s the Europe trip, then itapos;s my job. How the hell am I supposed to juggle my studies, my job, my cca, and the planning of the trip, all at once? Inevitably, I have to sacrifice one of them. Since I canapos;t sacrifice my studies and I do not want to sacrifice my job OR the trip, maybe I should just let the team go. Maybe I should.

Random thoughts

1)�� Have you ever felt like you know someone, but actually you donapos;t? I donapos;t get why I cant even say a simple apos;hiapos; or just give a nice smile�� to�him when I see him. It makes me seem so, so, unfriendly I wouldnapos;t say that Iapos;m an extremely friendly person, but the fact that I always try to avoid bumping into him makes me feel extremely bad, anti-social, and D-like.


2)�� My cold sore has reemerged, after a year of absence. Horrible feeling to have a swell on your lips. Itapos;s ugly-looking and gives the wrong impression of me. I mean, people only get cold sores when they do something dirty, IF YOU�KNOW�WHAT�I�MEAN. And obviously, I have never done it, and did not french someone who is infected with it, so it doesnapos;t really make much sense to me.

Cold sore please go away asap

3)��� Iapos;m working again tomorrow, and Iapos;m trying my best not to harbour any negative feelings towards it. I hope I donapos;t meet any unreasonable people tomorrow. On that note, I just have to tell myself to suck it up.

4)���� Travbuddy is such an awesome website, and it makes you realise that people can be so nice to one another, when they havenapos;t even met each other in person.

5)���� I really, really want to go Europe so badly. My mind lingers on the day I finally step foot on European soil, and the many sights and sounds I get to encounter. The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Berlin Wall, the Swiss lakes, WIMBLEDON. Oh Wimbledon, the Holy Grail of tennis. When i get to London, you shall be MINE.

6)���� I wish thereapos;ll be at least one person in each city that weapos;re going, who will allow us to leach off him/her. Do I feel bad? Actually I donapos;t. >.<

7)���� Tattoo?

daily calorie intake to lose weight, caicco, caicaras, caicara del orinoco, caicara.

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