воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

country epicure

Did I mention how much I love that steam mop Ok, I will shut up about it. I do have a few complaints about it, but nothing big.
I have two animals and there is hair everywhere, so when I vaccum I always miss hair, this thing kinda just gathers it up in places so I can easily pick it up with a paper towel so it makes it really easy. Just dun put your damn foot near the thing, cuz well, its hot.
I bought a yummy cucumber mint candle yesterday at target. I have that burning right now, so YAY.
I am on season two of Greys anatomy. It is a pretty good show. I have been wanting to get some tv shows I am interested in. So now I have true blood and this. Though true blood I have to wait for Jason to download every week because we donapos;t get HBO.
Ok, so onto another episode.

empire state building manhattan, country epicure, country environmental profile, country environment trade, country enviromental north.

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