пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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So Iapos;m going to Washington DC for the STAND National Student Conference. Itapos;s happening November 7-9, which is a lot closer than I thought. We will be leaving Thursday on a red-eye and coming back Sunday evening. We will be staying with local college students, so itapos;s free. As of now all I have to pay for is my $50 registration fee, food, and maaaaybe transportation if I canapos;t hitch a ride to the conference with whomever Iapos;m staying.

Iapos;m so excited to learn everything.

Hopefully we will have time to go to the National Museum of African Art. My Humanities of Africa class has made me want to see African art in person. Hopefully that museum will have nkisi figures.

I just got out of a meeting with WWUapos;s student-run TV station. I might be working as crew on a musical next quarter. Donapos;t know exactly what I will be doing, but it will be good to get involved.

That reminds me... The stage manager for Sleepy Hollow should be contacting me soon about being part of the crew for that. Iapos;m about to get even more busy.

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